> The Beauty of Lies

15 April 2008

Looking for Salman Rushdie recommendations

While in San Antonio visiting Megha over the weekend, we were watching Real Time with Bill Maher on YouTube. It wasn't a brand new show -- the topic du jour was the appointment of Harriett Myers (sp?) to the US Supreme Court. On that episode the panel consisted of a name I don't remember from the New Republic, Ben Affleck, and Salman Rushdie.

The panel was entertaining, but my mind was nagged the entire time by the fact that I hadn't read anything by Salman Rushdie, who I knew -- or, rather, presumed to know -- was a bigshot writer, famous, critically praised, etc. What I knew about Rushdie consisted of: (1) wrote The Satanic Verses; (2) is not the Ayatollah's best friend; and (3) was once married to a supermodel. That's it. (Then -- side note -- Megha informed me that her mom really likes his books... excellent).

So I'm asking you -- yes, you! -- to suggest a few books by Sir Rushdie that I can rent from the Houston Public Library. From my Facebook wall, I already have one vote for St. Urbain's Horseman (thanks, Adina). I'll probably check out two this round, and if they're good, I'll go back for more.

All (useful) advice is appreciated, and if you'd ever like to borrow a book, let me know.