- Schedule:
- 8:30am to 7:00pm -- Orbital
- 7:00pm to 8:00pm -- gym
- 8:00pm to 9:00pm -- grocery store
- Send SEDS-E mentor report to mentors. (This will be much easier with internet.)
- Notify AAS mentors of postponement of program to 2008. (Who's idea was it to start this between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Oh yeah. Me. Nice work, Smart Guy.)
- Introduce Will/Alison.
Send Lavina/SEDSAT-2 Comm question to Chris H.--waiting for response-- post response- Email "Bob" about promoting PongSat again in 2008, this time under auspices of AAS VP-Edu slot.
- Fix RSS feed icon source in SEDSWiki Updates.
- Share code for Recent Changes/Comments in Roller.
- Christmas and New Years travel.
- Consider daily processes.
- Update CV.
- Email Rachel for Raghunandan
Longer term:
- Find Flexible Spending Account receipts.
- Who gets the 25 Orbital Christmas cards?
- "Thank you package" to VIT, et al. (Too long in coming on this one
- List giveaways and sellaways.
Get rovers proposal to Alison and UKSEDS.-- Proposal on Google Docs