> The Beauty of Lies

16 December 2007

Plan: 16 December 2007


  1. Send Lavina/SEDSAT-2 Comm question to Chris H. -- waiting for response -- post response

  2. Email "Bob" about promoting PongSat again in 2008, this time under auspices of AAS VP-Edu slot.

  3. Fix RSS feed icon source in SEDSWiki Updates.

  4. Share code for Recent Changes/Comments in Roller.

  5. Consider daily processes.

  6. Email Rachel for Raghunandan.

  7. Post ISR Staff notes.

Longer term:

  1. Find Flexible Spending Account receipts.

  2. Who gets the 25 Orbital Christmas cards?

  3. "Thank you package" to VIT, et al. (Too long in coming on this one

  4. List giveaways and sellaways.

  5. Ship SGC photos


  1. Send SEDSIC money to Florian